Climate and Weather in Nepal - Beauty Nepal Adventure
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Climate and Weather in Nepal

Nepal’s atmosphere changes with its geology. It ranges from tropical to ice contingent on the elevation. The Terai area, which lies in the tropical southern piece of the nation, for example, has a hot, moist atmosphere. The mid-land locales are charming practically all year around, in spite of the fact that winter morning and evenings are cool. The northern mountain area, around a height over 3,353 meters has a snow capped atmosphere with an impressively lower temperature and flimsy air in winter as can be normal.


Climatic states of Nepal change starting with one spot then onto the next as per the geological highlights. In the northern summers are cool and winters extreme, while in south, summers are tropical and winters are mellow. Nepal has to be specific five noteworthy seasons: spring, summer, storm, harvest time and winter. A normal temperature drop of 6°C happens for each 1,000 m gain in height. In the Terai, summer temperatures surpass 37° C and higher in certain territories, winter temperatures extend from 7°C to 23°C in the Terai. In hilly locales, slopes and valleys summers are mild while winter temperatures can fall under below zero. The valley of Kathmandu has a charming atmosphere with normal summer and winter temperatures of 19°C – 35°C and 2°C – 12°C separately. The Himalayas go about as a hindrance to the virus winds blowing from Central Asia in winter, and structures the northern limit of the storm wind designs. 80% of the precipitation is gotten during the rainstorm (June-September). Winter downpours are increasingly articulated in the western slopes. The normal yearly precipitation is 1,600 mm, however it shifts by eco-climatic zones, for example, 3,345 mm in Pokhara and underneath 300 mm in Mustang. A fascinating reality is that there is no occasional requirement on going in and through Nepal. Indeed, even in December and January, when winter is at its severest, there are repaying splendid sun and splendid perspectives. Similarly as with the majority of the trekking zones in Nepal, the best time to visit are during spring and pre-winter. Spring is the ideal opportunity for rhododendrons while the clearest skies are found after the rainstorm in October and November. Be that as it may, Nepal can be visited the entire all year.


Nepal has four seasons, for example, harvest time (Sep. Nov. also, Oct.), winter (Dec. Jan. also, Feb.), spring (March, April and May) and rainstorm (June, July, and Aug.). During the harvest time season the evenings are cold in the mountains, yet the brilliant sun makes for lovely daytime temperatures. At a higher height, temperature run from about 20°C down to maybe – 10°C around evening time. Morning is normally clear, and afterward mists develop during the evening, vanishing around evening time to uncover fantastic starry skies.

Throughout the winter season high passes, particularly the Thorong-la pass on the Annapurna circuit trekking, Ganjala pass, Chola Pass, Renjola Pass, Khongmola pass, Lauribina pass, Gosaikunda pass are typically shut. Short and simple trek in center slopes is the best right now. Substantial snowfalls does particularly during the January, February and March in mountain zones.

Spring season brings hotter climate, yet increasingly regular tempests and extensive snowfall at higher height. Winged creatures and blossoms, particularly rhododendrons, are seen at the lower heights. Close to the part of the bargain, brought about by residue from the fields of India and smoke from neighborhood fires regularly darken far off perspectives. Also, it turns out to be a lot hotter in the locale beneath 3000 ft.

Trekking in Monsoon (June to Aug.) can be attempted by the sharp or experienced. Downpour, fog and mist can be normal practically every day, except mists part once in a while to give dynamite perspectives on the mountains. The floors are for the most part at their generally beautiful. Parasites possess large amounts of center rise timberlands. Mountain climate is exceptionally capricious. Great indications of a tempest drawing nearer, for example, cirrus blurred sky, or a fall in barometric weight, can be deluding.

Best time for trekking in Nepal is harvest time (September, October-November) and spring (March, April and May). Short treks and some Tea Houses treks should be possible during winter or summer season also. You should be set up for unexpected climate changes while trekking. That is the reason trekking gear ought to be picked cautiously before the excursion. Unexpected downpour tempests or snow are constantly a plausibility which should be considered. The climate during the trekking season is to some degree progressively steady. “Asian Hiking Team” gives enormous consideration to climate gauges.

Normal temperatures and precipitation during pinnacle summer and winter in three most well-known visitor regions:

  Place   Summer (May, June, July)   Winter (Dec, Jan, Feb)
  Max (°C)   Min (°C)   Rain (mm)   Max (°C)   Min (°C)   Rain (mm)
  Kathmandu   28.1   19.5   312   19.3   3.0   15.4
  Pokhara   29.7   21.3   829.7   20.3   7.7   26.3
  Chitwan   33.0   25.3   404.0   24.1   8.3   13.8

Spring is brilliant season which is punctuated by the odd shower of nurturing precipitation yet the warmth progressively works until the rainstorm help arrives. During summer the Monsoon; dampness loaded breeze, accumulates in the Bay of Bengal and compass up crosswise over India to spend its power on the Himalayan mountain chain. Harvest time is famous for clear skies and lovely temperature. By winter the high slopes take dry dark colored shades and the mountains are once in a while tidied with new day off. Anyway because of Nepal’s tremendous scope of expanded land direction too its stunning climatic variety impacts customary seasons extraordinary and are six in Nepal.

Nepali Seasons:

Spring –     Basanta               April-May     

Summer –  Grishma             June-July     

Monsoon – Barsha                Late June-Mid September      

Autumn –   Sharad                September-November     

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